Analyze with custom reports to differentiate your firm.
Become a trusted advisor by using company-level data, not just instincts, to understand a target company’s performance in comparison to industry peers.

41,000+ Markets Analyzed
16+ MillionUS Businesses
184 Billion+Market Combinations
Achieve More with Granular Analysis Reports
Bizminer’s report selection options enable you to benchmark financial and operational performance at multiple levels of granularity, including neighborhoods and zip codes. Our proprietary extended North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) coding system enables you to perform detailed, targeted benchmarks that help you retain clients, cross-sell services, and differentiate from the competition.

Report Options
- Financial Report
- Market Report
- Valuation Report
- Company Report
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Use Bizminer reports to complement your firm's offerings and benchmarking capabilities. Learn how from an expert.
Explore Bizminer Report Selection
Financial Reports
Compare and benchmark your client to an ideal industry peer group with summary scores, variance tables, ratio analyses, and an easy-to-understand narrative for better business decisions.
- Detailed analysis with in-depth P&L and balance sheet for 5,000+ industries
- Easy to read and share with chart and table formats and dynamic commentary
- Customize with data inputs and uploads, custom branding, and display options

Market Reports
The Market Report supports regional, small business, and entrepreneurial industry trend analysis. The report includes three-year market research trends plus monthly updates on national and local US markets.
- Compare performance with insights into industry market volume, sales, wages, efficiency, and rent
- Demonstrate market advantages and opportunities
- Understand your competitive position with sales rank, percentile, and sales per employee index
Valuation Reports
Bizminer’s Valuation reports provide the most comprehensive and in-depth business value analysis available, whether you’re comparing growth rates or evaluating a company’s economic performance.
- Access valuations based on 30k+ business transactions and industry financial metrics
- Gain a holistic view of financial and market value indicators
- Customize with your firm and advisor logo and contact information

Company Reports
Understand a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges in just five minutes. Analyze your own firm or stimulate discussions with prospects and clients.
- Compare a company to industry financial KPIs
- Uncover firm-specific market values
- Leverage dynamic text and scoring to describe and quantify strengths and weaknesses
Top Analyze Use Cases
Differentiate your firm with in-depth analysis and custom parameters.
Build additional services such as Exit Planning, Value Building, and even outsourced CFO when you rapidly identify companies’ strengths and weaknesses with Bizminer.
Make strategic business decisions by forecasting areas for improvement and developing Exit strategies to maximize the value of your client’s businesses.
General Advisory Services
Make decisions, boost performance, and maximize value with our simple, powerful tool. Differentiate yourself with unparalleled insights when combining analysis and Bizminer data.
Our Data, Your Success