Prospect List Pricing

Build lists of target companies by employee count, revenue, and even estimated valuation. Understand your total addressable market and identify partners, competitors, and strategic acquirers.

Research Profiles Pricing
Gain immediate access to static profiles containing industry, market, company, and franchise data.
  • Industry Financial Profiles
  • Industry Market Profiles
  • Company Profiles
  • Market Profiles
  • Franchise Profiles
Analysis Report Pricing

Benchmark financial and operational performance at multiple levels of granularity, including neighborhoods and zip codes. Our proprietary NAICS coding system enables you to perform detailed, targeted benchmarks that help you retain clients, cross-sell services, and differentiate from the competition.

Prospect List Pricing

Gain access to prospect lists with business name, address, phone number, and URL; contact name, title, and phone number (including business owners), location annual estimated sales; employment, firm value estimate, and credit score.

Tier 1
$0.65/Per Record Up to 100 Records
  • View-Only Data Access
  • Downloadable Reports
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Industry Reports
Tier 2
$0.60/Per Record Up to 500 Records
  • View-Only Data Access
  • Downloadable Reports
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Industry Reports
Tier 3
$0.55/Per Record Over 1,000 Records
  • View-Only Data Access
  • Downloadable Reports
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Industry Reports

Research Profiles Pricing

Inform your next decision with static profiles based on industry, market, and size and 61 financial ratios with over 5,000 filtering options.

Industry Financial Performance

What's Included

  • Financial ratios
  • National, state, and local
  • Valuations multiples data
Industry Market

What's Included

  • Market volume
  • Market penetration
  • Competitor performance
Company Profile

What's Included

  • Holistic company view
  • Value projections
  • Industry market analysis
Market Profiles
Coming Soon

What's Included

  • Sales metrics
  • Market metrics
  • Efficiency metrics
Franchise Profiles
Coming Soon

What's Included

  • Financial performance
  • Ownership
  • Trends

Custom Report-Builder Pricing

Benchmark, forecast, and advise your clients with custom reports containing financial, company, market, and valuation data.

Financial Report

Compare and benchmark your client to an ideal industry peer group.

  • US & Local
  • Sole Proprietorship
  • Valuation Multiples
Market Report

Supports regional, small business, and entrepreneurial industry trend analysis.

  • Industry Report
  • Competitive Market Narrative
Valuation Report

The most comprehensive and in-depth business value analysis available.

  • Vestment Pro
Company Report

Understand a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges.

  • SWOTT Express
Single Reports

Use one-off reports to solve a single business challenge as needed.

  • No Commitments
  • Freshest Data Available
  • PDF & Excel Export
  • Interactive Web App
  • Customized Parameters
Included in Subscription

Unlock the most benefits with a Bizminer subscription when you need 6+ reports per year.

  • Volume user discounts
  • Custom pricing
  • Option to “Favorite”
  • Saved inputs
  • Co-branded reports
  • Features custom to your use case

Unlock full potential with a Bizminer subscription.

  • Bulk downloadable reports
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Use of 3 unique products
  • Customizable

Frequently Asked Questions

You can view a sample of each product from the web app. You can also view our filtering selections and see what data is available for your industry and market area within the app.

We offer sample reports that showcase the metrics and insights provided by each report as well as an account that allows you to view the filtering options Bizminer provides. If you would like to discuss Bizminer more in-depth, please schedule a demo with our Sales Team.

Refunds will not be given for any product/service that is received by the customer.

We will exchange products for equal or lesser value within 48 hours of original purchase.

We will credit report purchases towards the cost of a subscription within two weeks of original purchase.

*This policy is subject to the discretion of Bizminer.

Yes, we offer subscriptions that provide volume discounts. Contact our sales team today to learn more.

Yes, we offer a customizable API feed for your use. Learn more about this here – 

Yes, you are able to upgrade your account from the settings in the web app. Contact us with any questions or to discuss pricing.