Use the Superior Source for Business Data

Granular to Thousands of Data Points

Bizminer data provides unmatched specificity. Our proprietary NAICS extended code system classifies over 9,000 industry segments. Analyze thousands of data points at the zip code, city, county, and state levels.

High-Quality & Reliable

Our data is derived from the most trusted public and private statistical sources available. Taxing agencies, major banks, accounting professionals large and small, and the IBBA have trusted our data for 20+ years.

Frequently Updated & Customized by You

Our data is the latest available from our sources, providing you with the most current insights. We provide the data and the platform for you to discover, create and share custom profiles and reports

Trusted by the Most Discerning Public & Private Organizations

Our clients depend on our detailed, reliable data. Bizminer data is licensed by US and Canadian taxing agencies and we are the exclusive financial and industry market data services provider to the International Business Brokers Association.

Our reliable data sources

The Bizminer Difference: Better Data for Better Decisions

Bizminer specializes in providing innovative financial analysis benchmarks for over 5,000 lines of business and industry market trends for thousands more. Our market analysis reports are available at both the national and local levels down to the zip code. Data is frequently updated, and our proprietary NAICS extended code system matches you with the right data points you need right now.

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